速報APP / 生活品味 / Khalil Gibran Daily

Khalil Gibran Daily





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Munnekolala, Marathahalli, Bangalore Karnataka 560037

Khalil Gibran Daily(圖1)-速報App

Khalil Gibran said "But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls."

Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese American artist, writer, philosopher and the third most popular poet in history after Shakespeare and Laozi. Khalil rose to the level of world renowned author and artist despite the adverse circumstances he often landed into. As an artist, he has also created some of the most fascinating drawing during his lifetime. His best selling book The Prophet, a collection of 26 splendid poems, has been translated into over 20 foreign languages.

Khalil Gibran Daily(圖2)-速報App

His power came from some great reservoir of spiritual life else it could not have been so universal and so potent, but the majesty and beauty of the language with which he clothed it were all his own.

Khalil Gibran Daily brings the wisdom of Guru Khalil Gibran to you in a form of Mobile App, wake up every day, with Master, starting today.

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The app has some nice features:

- Browse Dailytunes now & set them as your app tune!

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- Weekly planner to set different tune for different day!

- Set Daily tunes as Ringtone or Alarm Tone!

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- Share daily quote on social network & using other messaging tools

- Listen to background music, to create a serene environment

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- Set an alarm to receive daily quote notification

- Add Quotes to your favorites

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- Copy the quote to Clipboard

- In app purchase (to make the application Ad free)

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- Look at other Dailypedia Apps

Download Now & enjoy daily bliss!